Nikhil Dey’s (MKSS) Talk on 23rd Aug, 2:30p in Bangalore

Ever wondered:
 What changes are needed to take India beyond the so called ‘First World’?
 Who are the real heroes behind the positive changes the country has seen in the last 5 years?
 What are behind-the-scenes stories of our country’s political and administrative system?
 How do national movements take birth and what do they look like today?
 Can we help transform the nation?

Speaking on Sunday, 23rd August at 2:30pm the venue below is Nikhil Dey of MKSS. MKSS
was founded in Rajasthan 22 years ago by Nikhil (24 at that time), Aruna Roy and Shankar Singh.

MKSS has gifted the country the most progressive laws since India’s independence: the RTI (Right to Information Act) and NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act). Pictures, documents, videos, etc. of their historical struggle are now part of the national archives at Nehru Museum, Delhi.

Read more about Nikhil and MKSS on:

We will show a short 15 min. film giving glimpses of their work and the struggle.

Please positively RSVP to help our planning since seating is limited. MKSS works on a shoestring
budget; please help by bringing your cheque books.


M: 98801-95372 M: 98804-13124

VENUE: Trans Indus, Basapanapalya, Tatguni, Bangalore – 66 (Map on next page.)

Trans Indus (Google Map)

Reach the Kanakpura Rd and NICE Rd junction (the only flyover on Kanakpura Rd). Go another ~1km south on Kanakpura Rd and turn right into the second road (after the NICE junction). This right turn is marked with several signs “BGS Int’l School”, “Trans Indus”, etc. Go about 3.5km on the winding road and turn left where sign says “Trans Indus”. Go another 0.75km and turn right into Trans Indus colony.

Park your vehicle just inside the security gate.

To see online, go to: and type TRANS INDUS, BANGALORE, INDIA in the search box.

Nikhil’s Talk
Q&A, discussion
(Conclusion ~ 4:30p)


As a free lance volunteer I have recently concluded my 5th trip to Rajasthan in the past ~7 months spending almost half the time there. What struck me the most about this organization and especially Nikhil, is that they directly take on pain and suffering on themselves to provide relief to others, a selfless trait that is extremely rare even in NGOs. Nikhil, and every one of MKSS members have impeccable integrity and survive on a monthly salary of Rs. 2800 (including ex-IAS officer Aruna Roy). Nikhil is unmarried and has 3 degrees (including one in law and one from U.S.).

During my last trip, I was sitting in a ‘dharna’ in front of SDM’s office in Bhim, Rajasthan. Nikhil and other MKSS members were encouraging the 500 or so peasants and laborers to demand their unpaid wages (imagine, govt. holding back their survival income of Rs. 100 per day!) MKSS’s work with the people of Rajasthan has given them an influential voice in the state and central governments. This was apparent in Nikhil’s calm and firm conversation with the SDM resulted in fulfillment of the demands of the people. (Aruna was part of National Advisory Council chaired by Sonia Gandhi that resulted in passing of RTI and NREGA Acts). Both, state and central govts., often come to MKSS for advice and help in implementation of govt. schemes.